〔1〕A. Owen Aldridge, The Dragon and the Eagle: The Presence of China in the American Enlightenment, Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1993, pp. 23-46. 〔2〕The Morals of Confucius,A Chinese Philosopher, 2nd ed., London: F. Fayram, 1724, Advertisement, pp. 5-8,19, 21-22, 26-29. 〔3〕“Long-Island, January 13,” New-York Weekly Journal, Jan. 19, 1735, pp. 1-2. 〔4〕“Mr. Zenger,” New-York Weekly Journal, Nov. 15, 1736, pp. 1-2. 〔5〕“From the Morals of Confucius,” New-York Weekly Journal, Jan. 24, 1737, pp. 1-3; “The Continuation of the Morals of Confucius,” New-York Weekly Journal, Jan. 30 and Feb. 6, 1737, pp. 1-3; “The Continuation of the Morals of Confucius,” New-York Weekly Journal, Feb. 13, 1737, pp. 1-3; “From the Second Book of the Morals of Confucius,” New-York Weekly Journal, Feb. 20, 1743, pp. 1-2. 〔6〕“From the Morals of Confucius,” Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 28-Mar. 7, 1737, pp. 2-3;“Continuation of the Morals of Confucius,” Pennsylvania Gazette, Mar. 14-Mar. 21, 1737, pp. 1-2. 〔7〕The Phenix: A Collection of Old and Rare Fragments, New York: William Gowan, 1835, pp. v, ix, 13-37. 〔8〕“New Publications,” National Gazette and Literary Register, Apr. 16,1835, p.3;“The Phenix,” Newark Daily Advertiser, Jun.1,1835,p.2;“Ancient Fragments,”American Traveller, May 26, 1835, p. 3. 〔9〕P. Doddridge, Lectures on Preaching, and the Several Branches of the Ministerial Office, Boston: Manning and Loring, 1808, p. 14. 〔10〕“The Antiquity and Philosophy of the Chinese,” New-Harmony Gazette, Jun. 11, 1828, pp. 258-59. 〔11〕“Chinese Idolatry,” New World, Apr. 9, 1842, p. 235. 〔12〕Samuel Miller, A Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century, New York: T. and J. Swords, 1803, p. 84. 〔13〕Lempriere’s Universal Biography, vol. 1, (1825), p. 469. 〔14〕“The Morning Herald,” Columbian Centinel, Mar. 11, 1826, p. 2. 〔15〕William Gowan, Books Preparing for Publication, Broadsides, American Antiquarian Society Library, Worcester, MA. 〔16〕China on Our Shelves, Philadelphia: Library Company of Philadelphia, 1984, p. 9; Catalogue of the Library of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia: Joseph R. A. Skerrett, 1824, p. 89. 〔17〕A Catalogue of the Library of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Cambridge, MA: E. W. Metcalf, 1830, p. 87; Catalogue of the Library and Reading Room of the Young Men’s Institute, Hartford, CT: Case, Tiffany and Burnham, 1844, pp. 63, 223. 〔18〕〔19〕Lewis le Comte, Memoirs and Remarks Made in Above Ten Years Travels through the Empire of China, London: John Hughs, 1738, pp. 197-98, 201; P. du Halde, The General History of China, 3rd ed., London: J. Watts, 1741, pp. 293, 296-97, 302. 〔20〕“A Description of CHINA, by Lewis Le Comte, with an Account of the Customs and Manners of Its Inhabitants,” Pennsylvania Herald, Aug. 9,1786, p.20; William Mayor, An Historical Account of the Most Celebrated Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries, vol. 11, (1802), p. 286. 〔21〕Le Compte[Comte],“Confucius,”Religious Inquirer, Feb. 8, 1823, p. 56. 〔22〕“An Essay on the Description of China in Two Volumes. From the French of Pere Du Halde,” American Magazine and Historical Chronicle, vol. 1,(1744), pp. 615-20. 〔23〕“From Benjamin Franklin to George Whitefield, 6 July 1749,” 17-7-2016,http://founders. July 1749,” 17-7-2016,http://founders.archives.gov/?q=Con fucius&s=1111311111&sa=&r=1&sr=#print_view,1-9-2016. 〔24〕Charles H. Wharton, A Short and Candid Enquiry into the Proofs of Christ’s Divinity, Philadelphia: Ormrod & Conead, 1796, p. 8. 〔25〕“Astronomy,” Family Magazine, vol. 3,(1836), p. 204. 〔26〕Life & Character of the Chinese Philosopher Confucius in the Hand Writing of John Bartram the Elder the American Botanist and Philosopher, Literary and Historical Manuscripts, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York City. 〔27〕“To the Editor,” New Hampshire Magazine, vol. 1,no.4, (1793), pp. 199-202. 〔28〕The Chinese Travelle, vol. 1,(1772), pp. 1-13; Joseph Clark, Evidences on the Christian Religion, Philadelphia: Kimber, Conrad, and Co., 1806, pp. 52-57; James Hardie, The New Universal Biographical Dictionary, vol. 2, (1801), pp. 96-102. 〔29〕Jesse Torrey, Jr., The Moral Instructor, Ballston Spa, NY: U. F. Doubleday, 1819, pp. 45-52; “Education,” Daily National Intelligencer, Apr. 7, 1823, p. 4. 〔30〕Samuel Burder, Oriental Customs, Philadelphia: William W. Woodward, 1804, pp. 335-36. 〔31〕The Light of Truth in the Mind of Man, Philadelphia: Atkinson & Alexander, 1824, pp. 27-30. 〔32〕C. S. Henry, trans., An Epitome of the History of Philosophy, vol. 1, (1846), pp. 80-81. 〔33〕M. Cuvier, Essay on the Theory of the Earth, New York: Kirk & Mercein, 1818, pp. 157-59. |