社会科学辑刊 ›› 2010 ›› Issue (5): 164-170.

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美国政治评论中的孔子———以1920— 1950年间的主要报纸为例


  • 出版日期:2010-09-15 发布日期:2018-11-29
  • 作者简介:张涛, 1971年生, 历史学博士, 四川外语学院外国语文研究中心教授(重庆400031)。

  • Online:2010-09-15 Published:2018-11-29

摘要: 一战与冷战之间的美国政治生活, 既有传统的两党争锋, 更有罗斯福新政、禁酒运动和战时动员等打上时代烙印的事件。与每一次争议性政治话题相影随的是人们在报纸上的激烈辩论。辩论者引经据典, 针砭时弊。鉴于孔子的盛名及其思想的巨大影响, 孔子成为政治评论中重要的参照对象乃至立论依据, 孔子以特殊的方式进入美国的政治文化传统。如此语境下的孔子形象褒贬兼有, 映射出美国人认识孔子时的一贯模式:一方面, 他们崇尚孔子思想的博大精深和人性关怀及其为人类社会确立的高远目标; 另一方面, 他们又对中国历朝政府僵化遵循儒家思想而致国力衰弱深感惋惜甚至蔑视。一战之后30年间美国报纸上的政治评论明白无误地展现出美国孔子形象一以贯之的双重性。

关键词: 美国报纸, 政治评论, 孔子, 形象


  • K103

〔1〕R.L.Duffus, “ Old Symbolsin New Washington, ”New York Times, Aug.4, 1935:SM10;Cousin Eve, “Social Whirl Vortex of Life in Washington, ” Chicago Tribune, May 9, 1937:E2;RobertR.Brunn,“ High Noonon Decision Day, ” Christian Science Monitor, Jun.20,1949:16.
〔2〕JohnW.Barrington, “ Statues on the City' s Skyline, ” NewYork Times, Mar.31, 1935:SM14.
〔3〕“Letters to the Editor, ”Washingt on Post, Apr.1, 1940:10.
〔4〕“Roosevelts Fearthe Money of Others, ” Los Angeles Times,Dec.22, 1946:A4.
〔5〕“ President Taken for a Ride, ” Washington Post, Apr.14,1940:1, 8;“ 1940 BafflesOwls of Gridiron Club, ” New York Times,Apr.14, 1940:4.
〔6〕“Alliance Derides Rooseveltin NewSong, ”New York Times,Jan.14, 1940:19.
〔7〕Arthur Sears Henning, “G.O.P.Expected to Win Votein Delaware Polls, ”Chicago Tribune, Nov.1, 1934:4.
〔8〕“Letterto the Editor, ”Washingt on Post, Jun.30, 1936:X8.
〔9〕“Ickes the Peacemaker, ” Los Angeles Times, Mar.15, 1940:A4.
〔10〕“ Potter Explains Election, ” New York Times, Nov.9, 1931:23.
〔11〕“Book Notes, ”New York Times, Sept.2, 1931:12.
〔12〕“Topics of the Times, ”New York Times, Sept.25, 1932:E1.
〔13 〕Dorothy Dix, “ Lens Hounds Omnipresent, ” Los Angeles Times, Jun.10, 1920:I2.
〔14〕Col.Arthur W.Little, “How to Manage OurPolitical Lives, ”Atlanta Daily World, Aug.28, 1936:2;Chicago Defender, Sept.26,1936:18.
〔15〕EugenePharo, “The Foreign Note, ”Washingt on Post, Oct.27, 1936:X9.
〔16〕John L.Clark, “Wylie Avenue, ”Pittsburgh Courier, Mar.17,1934:4.
〔17〕Ruth Taylor, “Dispel the Darkness, ” Atlanta Daily World,Dec.23, 1947:6.
〔18〕William T.Ellis, “ Sunday-School Lesson, ” Los Angeles Times, Jun.24, 1932:B7.
〔19〕“The Newness of Confucianism in This Modern World, ”Christian Science Monitor, Dec.5, 1934:WM12.
〔20〕WillisJ.Abbot, “Watching the World Go By, ”Christian Science Monitor,Mar.2, 1934:14.
〔21〕“Booksin Brief Review, ” New York Times, Mar.4, 1934:BR18.
〔22〕Theodore Hall, “No End of Books, ” Washingt on Post, Mar.6, 1934:9.
〔23〕“ConfuciusIs Describedas the First New Dealer, ”New YorkTimes, Sept.12, 1934:1;“ Educator Traces First`NewDeal' Back to Confucius, ”Chicago Tribune, Sept.12, 1934:1.
〔24〕Chapin Hall, “What Goes On?, ”Los Angeles Times, Jul.1,1939:A1.
〔25〕“New Capital Mallnear Completion, ”New York Times, Oct.4, 1936:24;“Capital Mall Fulfills Dream of Designer, ”Christian Science Monitor,Dec.14, 1936:3.
〔26〕“ Lettersto the Editor, ” Washingt on Post, May 17, 1931:M23.
〔27〕“Workers and Dividends, ” New York Times, May22, 1931:23.
〔28〕“Futile Legislati on, ”Los Angeles Times, Mar.5, 1931:A4.
〔29〕“Letters to the Editor, ”New York Times, Jul.21, 1934:10.
〔30〕“Letters to theEditor, ”Washingt on Post, May25, 1936:X6.
〔31〕“Lettersto the Editor, ”New York Times, May25, 1936:18.
〔32〕“Roosevelt Policy Assailed in Book, ”New York Times, Nov.3, 1933:17.
〔33〕“G.O.P.Women Hear Senator Hit New Deal, ” Washingt on Post, May11, 1934:12.
〔34〕“Ship Subsidies, ”Chicago Tribune,Jul.1, 1935:14.
〔35〕“A Windowin Wall Street, ”Christi an Science Monitor, Dec.2, 1930:15.
〔36〕“Senateaga inst Price Fixing, ”Wall Street Journal, Jul.20,1935:4.
〔37 〕Raymond Clapper, “ A Planning Reserve Stock of Feed Grains, ”Washingt on Post, Jun.25, 1934:2.
〔38〕“Between You and Me, ”Washingt on Post, May18, 1935:2.
〔39〕“Pigs to Pork, ”Washingt on Post, Apr.12, 1935:8.
〔40 〕Delos Avery, “ Bookman' s Holiday, ” Chicago Tribune,May23, 1948:C8.
〔41〕“Will Rogers Remarks, ”Los Angeles Times, Feb.7, 1934:1.
〔42〕“ Chinese Celebrate Oriental New Year, ”Washingt on Post,Feb.15, 1931:M17.
〔43〕“John Foo SmilesatBlue Eagle and Asserts NRA Is`Old Stuff, ' ”Christi an Science Monitor, Jan.3, 1934:7.
〔44〕John Steven McGroarty, “Seen from the Capitol' s Dome, ”Los Angeles Times, Feb.9, 1936:H2.
〔45〕“A Chinese Volstead, ”Wall Street Journal, Mar.17, 1924:2;“Let' s Hear from the Wets, ”Chica go Defender, Apr.12, 1924:12.
〔46〕“CapperVisions36 Dry States within 10 Years, ”Washing ton Post, May23, 1936:15.
〔47〕“Letters to the Editor, ”Washingt on Post, Jul.8, 1929:6.
〔48〕“Proand Con, ”Washingt on Post, Jan.5, 1931:6.
〔49〕“Photo Contest Will Depict Civili an Rolein War Effort, ”Los Angeles Times, Apr.29, 1942:B2.
〔50〕“Letters to the Editor, ”Wall Street Journal, Oct.3, 1942:6.
〔51〕“Perhaps Con fucius Would Have Solved This Fuel Oil Poser,”Chicago Tribune, Dec.12, 1942:2.
〔52〕“Mortality of Small Businessunder OPA, ”Chica go Tribune,Jul.12, 1945:12.
〔53 〕PaulStevenson, “EveryGoodRoadsEnthusiastin StateGathersinAugusta, ”AtlantaConstitution, Apr.19, 1929:6.
〔54〕CharlesE.Davis, Jr., “TheMagazineRack, ” WashingtonPost, May15, 1949:B6.
〔55〕“LocalityMayorsHoldChineseFete, ”NewYorkTimes, Feb.5, 1934:18.
〔56〕“ Col.Massengale Writes of the Pensi on Status, ” Atlanta Constitution, Feb.2, 1926:6.
〔57〕Chapin Hall, “What GoesOn?, ”Los Angeles Times, Feb.14,1940:A1.
〔58〕“ Billto Increase Power of Fine Arts GroupIs Opposed, ”Washingt on Post, Jan.29, 1928:M6.
〔59〕“Legislationvs.Pay Rolls, ”Washingt on Post, Jan.31, 1931:6.
〔60〕“Continuing the Day Line, ”New York Times, Nov.30, 1948:26.
〔61〕“National Anthem Barredat Meeting, ”New York Times, Jun.30, 1926:3.
〔62〕“Asks End of Executions, ”New York Times, Mar.12, 1928:19.
〔63〕“YellowIs Black, ”Pittsburgh Courier, Oct.22, 1927:A8.
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